The Reinas de Cuyo apiary is located in San Rafael, Mendoza province, Argentina. There the breeding of queens is carried out in an environment of fruit trees such as plum, apricot and almond trees, irrigated by the Diamante River as well as the wild blooms of nearby fields.

The bee farm has a large productive capacity thanks to the 3,000 hives and parks with up to 5,000 fertilization nuclei. This allows large volumes of queens to supply the professional beekeeper who requires quality queens in quantity.

The different farms in the department of San Rafael where the apiaries and mating station are located allow working the Ligustica and Buckfast breeds independently.

Carrying out artificial insemination work and at the same time acquiring genetics from European reference hatcheries, the selection of F0 mothers is carried out for the production of queens and drones.

Reinas de cuyo


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    Reinas de Cuyo


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    Reinas de Cuyo (ARG)

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